Get name of signal in custom AbstractBpmnParseListener

actually I’m experimenting with Camunda and MQTT (for some smarthome automation :wink: ) and I want to get the set name of a signal (set in a SignalIntermediateCatchEvent)

    <bpmn:intermediateCatchEvent id="Event_S1" name="S1">
      <bpmn:signalEventDefinition id="SignalEventDefinition_0j4di1f" signalRef="Signal_1x4otk3" />

In my AbstractBpmnParseListener custom implementation I have overridden the method

    public void parseIntermediateSignalCatchEventDefinition(Element signalEventDefinition, ActivityImpl signalActivity) {
        super.parseIntermediateSignalCatchEventDefinition(signalEventDefinition, signalActivity);

// How to get the name of the Signal "S1" here?

Is there a way to get the parent element/node from the signalEventDefinition? So using the “attribute()” method on the parent element could help here?


I found following way to get the signalName:

Inside the parse method I get the signalRef attribute/value from the signalEventDefinition. That value will be used in the notify method of the ExecutionListener impl to get with following code snippet the signal name:

            signalName = execution.getProcessEngineServices()