Hi everyone
I am trying to get user info based on userId via groovy script task that is as below:
def query= execution.getProcessEngineServices().getIdentityService().createUserQuery().userId(“demo”);
but i got the following error :
Cannot instantiate process definition getuserinfo:17:121025f9-5a7e-11ec-9caf-eef635622a24: Unable to evaluate script while executing activity ‘Activity_1kz8qpe’ in the process definition with id ‘getuserinfo:17:121025f9-5a7e-11ec-9caf-eef635622a24’: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.identity.db.DbUserQueryImpl.userId() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [demo]
Possible solutions: userId(java.lang.String), userIdIn([Ljava.lang.String;), getId(), getIds(), userEmail(java.lang.String), use([Ljava.lang.Object;)
can anyone help me with this issue?