Google Drive Connector

Hello Camunda-Community,

i created a simple process to test out the Google Drive Connector.

When i try to deploy it, i get following error message:

Command ‘CREATE’ rejected with code ‘INVALID_ARGUMENT’: Expected to deploy new resources, but encountered the following errors:
‘Connect Drive.bpmn’: - Element: Activity_0j45v7b > extensionElements > ioMapping > input
- ERROR: Expected expression but not found.
[ deploy-error ] 19/1/2023 15:7:32

I followed the steps of the camunda tutorial under:

Does anybody have an idea why i get the error message? I tried to use it with my personal GDrive Account and not an Business Account. Furthermore I used the Refresh Token and the client secret and password instead of an bearer token (this is reserved for service accounts)

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Hi @Tim1, did you specify “Parent Folder ID”?

It is required, but this is not enforced by the template. I discovered this by filling out each field in turn, until I got the error to go away.


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Hi @Tim1,

Could you please share the BPMN you’re using? (please, don’t forget to remove credentials)
I just tried with my own account and it seems working.

Please note, that the Parent Folder ID requirement is no longer mandatory for quite a while, so it can be optional.

Do you use a desktop or web modeler?

If desktop, please consider checking that you’re using the latest version of the element template: connectors-bundle/google-drive-connector.json at main · camunda/connectors-bundle · GitHub

Hi @Tim1,

After checking a desktop modeler as well, it seems to be reproducing. While we’re figuring out why it behaves okay in Web Modeler and at the same time doesn’t with Desktop, here’s a fix that we’re about to merge that forces the field to be optional.

Thanks for reporting!

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