Grafana Monitoring for Clustered Camunda 8 Deployment

We are deploying multiple zeebe brokers and gateways in our zeebe cluster. The deployment is done using docker run commands (not yet on k8s). We want to monitor this cluster using prometheus and grafana. We referred this pre-built grafana dashboard created by the camunda team. It has panels for monitoring cpu, memory, i/o etc.The question are -

  1. Does it display overall cluster’s metrics when showing throughput, processing, latency?
  2. How do we monitor individual broker resource usage since there are multiple brokers?


Hey there @jgeek1,
glad you already found the repository and how we monitor our clusters at Camunda! That’s pretty cool.
Since I am not an expert in SRE topics I would hand off this question to either @Simon_Zengerling or someone else from this team.

Hopefully you will get an answer soon!

P.s. thanks in advance

@Simon_Zengerling - can you please share your inputs on this?