I like to create a parallel sub-process for the reviewing, the simple model is below. The parallel process creating dynamically.
- user1 can add comment
- user 2 can also add his own comment
- user3 (think like a manager), should see all the comments in different tasks.
I use the generic form here, and when specifying the input id name, if user2 opens task before the user3, user2 sees user1’s comment and updates the comment. So here I lost user1 comment.
I like the keep all the comments independent of each other, and user3 should see them.
So when user1 and user2 complete tasks, user3 got 2 tasks but the comments inputs are the same. because I can not create a unique id for each one.
I open all the solutions and practices here.
My main goal is, think you assign the task to each member of the group and collect their comments.