Switch mouse scroll / zoom function

Can the ability to zoom / scroll a BPMN process be switched so that the mouse wheel causes vertical scrolling and the Ctrl key is required to zoom. On Windows, to use the mouse wheel in Modeler to zoom / scroll in the opposite way as all other applications is painful when switching between multiple applications.

What about support for horizontal scrolling?

Also, is there a way to make the steps / distance of the scrolling smaller or smoother. Those ‘giant’ jumps are painful too.

Switching the zoom / scroll behavior is not possible in the modeler.

On windows [this is the] opposite way as all other applications is painful when switching between multiple applications.

Which other applications are you refering to?

Use SHIFT + Mousewheel to scroll horizontally.

For most every other Windows application, scrolling on the mouse wheel causes the window’s content to scroll up and down. To zoom you need to hold down the Ctrl key as a modifier. With Caumda modeler, you need to do the opposite. Also, this means that, when using a trackpad with gesture support, pinch to zoom results in the window scrolling up / down and, if doing a two finger scroll, the window zooms!.

With Windows applications that support horizontal scrolling, you just tilt the mouse wheel left or right, that’s all, the Shift key isn’t required as a modifier to make that happen. In the majority of Windows applications, Shift + scroll means ‘back or forwards’ and the result depending on the context or application.

Having to learn a special set of key / mouse GUI combinations just for Camunda modeler isn’t very productive.

Thanks for your feedback.

At some point we decided to go for a Google Maps style navigation rather than the Windows style navigation.

This is due to the fact that we see Diagrams similar to maps rather than Word documents. This behavior will probably not change any time in the near future.