How can I use condition in Element Documentation


I want to change some text in Element Documentation according to a process variable.

For example: IF isCheck == true THEN show description1 ELSE show description 2.

How can I do this in Modeler or by Java coding?


Element documentation may be the wrong place to store run-time data about your process.
It’s usually intended as a field to store information regarding the process definition itself.

What are you trying to achieve? maybe i could suggest an alternative.


Thanks for your reply.

I want to write some description about any tasks which that in my custom tasklist app, show that description to the user.

Now I want to change some of the text in description according to a condition.

I know that I can use a String variable for this but I want to know is it possible with Element Documentation?


Unfortunately i’m pretty sure you can’t change the value of the element documentation in run time.