Hello @mrzhangbq ,
you could register your own BpmnParseListener
and refer to the org.camunda.bpm.spring.boot.starter.event.PublishDelegateParseListener
which registers the execution listeners. In your own implementation, you could then register your own event to be published.
Hope this helps
@EventListener(condition = “#delegateExecution.bpmnModelElementInstance.elementType.typeName==‘userTask’”)
public void onExecutionEvent(DelegateExecution delegateExecution) {
// handle the execution event of UserTask Node
Thanks ! I found another way to achieve this effect . like this ,
@EventListener(condition = “#delegateExecution.bpmnModelElementInstance.elementType.typeName==‘userTask’”)
public void onExecutionEvent(DelegateExecution delegateExecution) {
// handle the execution event of UserTask Node
Hello @mrzhangbq ,
I like this way as well as you use Spring Boot tooling
Thanks a lot for sharing your solution.
Just an addition … in case you do not like the SPEL syntax for Eventlistener#condition or you have to perform more complex checks, you can use a dedicated bean/predicate to do so:
@EventListener(condition = "@myComplexPredicate.test(#execution)")
When you provide a java.util.Predicate you can apply your filtering logic in its “test” method, with the advantage that you have full compiler support, can test your filter and even exchange the filter logic via spring configuration (profiles/primary/…) in case you need different behaviour for testing or certain stages.
I am not saying that this must be used, it is just a convenient addition that is good to know abbout.