How does retry with AsycnBefore / After works?

I know how to model retry for a service task in bpmn using “async before/after and retry”, but i don’t know how it works. I have deployed a workflow which exactly does this, but I’m not able to figure it out in the UI. I mean, the service task throws BPMN error (as it is modeled to throw error and retry) and the workflow fails saying below error:

2017-04-04 03:28:06,382 INFO [org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.bpmn.helper.ErrorPropagation] (job-executor-tp-threads - 3) ScriptTask_2 throws error event with errorCode ‘Error’, but no catching boundary event was defined. Execution will simply be ended (none end event semantics).

I was hoping that process engine would retry this task for 3 times, but it does not. Am i missing something here to understand.

Hi @bpmlearner,

the process engine doesn’t retry the task because a BpmnError is not an exception. It’s a kind of business error which should be caught inside the process. See the reference guide for details.

Best regards,


Hi, Thank you. After reading the guide and few posts in the forum, i understood that the task has to throw exception but not BpmnError. Now I could make my task retry in case of any exception