I know how to model retry for a service task in bpmn using “async before/after and retry”, but i don’t know how it works. I have deployed a workflow which exactly does this, but I’m not able to figure it out in the UI. I mean, the service task throws BPMN error (as it is modeled to throw error and retry) and the workflow fails saying below error:
2017-04-04 03:28:06,382 INFO [org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.bpmn.helper.ErrorPropagation] (job-executor-tp-threads - 3) ScriptTask_2 throws error event with errorCode ‘Error’, but no catching boundary event was defined. Execution will simply be ended (none end event semantics).
I was hoping that process engine would retry this task for 3 times, but it does not. Am i missing something here to understand.