In Camunda Modeler
Service Task
Under Output Parameter I have a variables as :
outputVar ,
Script Format = Javascript
Script Type=Inline Script
Whe I write a script as below in editor as below …
var system = java.lang.System;
system.out.println("It works!");
This code works.
As you see we are using Javascript … Javascript does not have system.out.println
…right ? So this script should show error .
How this code works then ?
Hi @cofactor,
the Javascript code is executed in the nashorn runtime in the Java virtual machine. Here you have access to java classes from your javascript code. Have a look at the orcale docs for further information:
Hope this helps, Ingo
okay…looks good.
can I import any java classes from java 8 API in this javascript code ? or only limited java classes can be used in javascript ?
I haven’t reached the borders right now. Maybe the docs help you further…
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