How to add new process definition to existing process application

Hi, I have a process application with a process definiton (processA.bpmn), java delegates and custom task listener.
The custom task listeners allows the engine to synchronize the creation of task on a third-part application (calling the rest api third-part application) without configure the name of the task listener on the bpmn model.

Is it possible to add a new process definition to the process application without having to redeploy it?

The objective is that if the third-party application needs a new process definition (processB.bpmn), not have to redeploy the process application so that the user tasks of the new process are synchronized with the third-party application without the need to configure the task listener in the process definition like processA.
Note that the custom task listener of my process application should not be visible to the rest of the process definitions deployed in Camunda, (Camunda Jboss full distribution).
Can this objective be achieved in another way?

Thanks in advance and greetings,