Hi ,
I have process instance created with service tasks (using connector) but I did not see any property by which I could set a timeout for the camunda connector.So am planning to have a call to the microservices as an external task.
<serviceTask id="step2" name="Task One">
<camunda:inputParameter name="url">http://localhost:8080/test</camunda:inputParameter>
<camunda:inputParameter name="method">POST</camunda:inputParameter>
<camunda:inputParameter name="headers">
<camunda:entry key="Accept">application/json</camunda:entry>
<camunda:inputParameter name="payload">
<camunda:script scriptFormat="Javascript">"--Input Java Script--</camunda:inputParameter>
<camunda:outputParameter name="Result">
<camunda:script scriptFormat="Javascript">S(response,'application/json').prop('key').value()</camunda:script>
Can anyone please advice me how to make the above connector configuration to that of an external task or Any possibility to wait for the connector task’s response and throw time out if there is no response for a particular period of time.
Note: I need to carry forward the response from the service task to the next service task(next microservice).
Thanks and Regards,