How to create an event-subprocess in camunda modeler?

I can’t see an option to create event-subprocesses.

Hi Rainer,

  1. Create a new Task
  2. Change the type to Sub Process (expanded)
  3. Change the type to Event Sub Process

For changing the element type you have to use the context menu that appears if you click on the element.


Thanks. I understand that event subprocesse only exist in the expanded version. I know the collapsed event subprocess from Signavio. But I’m not sure, if collapsing event subprocesses is allowed by BPMN-Standard.

As the bpmn spec describes the symbol for the Collapsed Event Sub-Processes in table 12.16 I would say it is allowed.

… but camunda modeler only provides the expanded event subprocess?

Dr. Rainer Feldbrügge | Organisationsberater
Frankenstraße 150 b | 90461 Nürnberg
T. +49.911.50 96 18 20


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Yes the Camunda Modeler does not support collapsing of Event Sub-Processes right now.

This is a missing feature in bpmn-js, the underlying library.