@Philipp_Ossler, hi. I have the same bug. What do you mean as single job executor? Must i set configs maxJobsPerAcquisition or corePoolSize/maxPoolSize to 1?
Appreciate any help, i try to solve this issue for a month…
Here is my example: OptimisticLockingException at a parallel gateway
Some details:
- the error occurs at the first time after long idle of services (one of them - mail-send connector), that i call.
- service calling and parallel gateway are in subtask
- With this error job has 3 retries with 5 min. period - even if i set async retry to R1/PT1M. May be this is any default retry config, @Philipp_Ossler?
I’ve found only one 5 min default period - lockTimeInMillis - maybe this retries execution i see?