Here, How to get Claim By and Claim date for Task using Rest API, Can you please Suggest
Hello @aredd119 ,
you can find the information of the assignee in the task object:
For additional information about what has happened to the task so far, you can also check out the task history:
Hope this helps
@aredd119 you can find these details from ACT_HI_OP_LOG table.
select proc_def_key_,proc_inst_id_,task_id_,user_id_,operation_type_,entity_type_,property_,org_value_,new_value_,timestamp_
from act_hi_op_log where operation_type_='Claim' and entity_type_='Task';
Equivalent rest api example can be found here: Camunda Automation Platform 7.21.0-SNAPSHOT REST API
Additional Query params can be found here: Camunda Automation Platform 7.21.0-SNAPSHOT REST API
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