How to get list of row that are executed in the collect policy of dmn

How to get a list of the rows that are executed in the collect policy of dmn.

Hello @teja_polisetty ,

as I understand your question, you want to map the result of a DMN table with a Collect Hit Policy to a BPMN process. That works like this:


This is the details panel of a Business Rule Task. As soon as you provide a result variable name, you will be able to select one of the result mappings. Collect will always provide a list. Depending on if you have one output column or many, you will either choose collectEntries or resultList.

Please ask your questions more precise in the future, as I had to guess what you meant.

Hope this helps.


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oh no let me reframe my question

i am using collect policy with output as integer. so i am getting response of evaluate api call: as summation of all the outputs that satisifed …
Now if i go to cockpit and open that dmn instance : i can see what all rows got executed which resulted in final summation.

but how can i get these details in api : to check what all rows particiapted(executed) , which lead to that summation output result.

Hello @teja_polisetty ,

thank you for reframing the question, this helps a lot.
The data you are looking for should be stored in the history data of the engine.

For Rest API, please find the documentation here:

For Java API, I guess it will look quite similar.

Hope this helps


hi @jonathan.lukas
yeah in the database it is present and that’s why we are able to see the same in the cockpit right.
but I was looking to get this in the response of dmn evaluate(API call).
Is that possible?

thank you

Hello @teja_polisetty ,

the provided link will let you inspect the information you are looking for. An equivalent is also present in the engines’ HistoryService.


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