How to inject mocked bpmn listener with camunda-bpm-assert

Hi all,
I’m tring to write some bpmn unit test with the lib camunda-bpm-assert.
I am facing a problem to inject listener defined in bpmn
I got the exception
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: XXXListener.init()

How can I configure the test process engine to use mocks ?


Hello @sfaxianovic ,

in case you are using expressions or delegate expressions to bind your beans, in your process engine configuration, you will have to set the expression manager to MockExpressionManager:

<bean id="processEngineConfiguration"
		<property name="expressionManager">
				class="org.camunda.bpm.engine.test.mock.MockExpressionManager" />

This will work as provided here as XML or in a programmatic process engine configuration as well.

Then, you can register your mocks in the test class as:

Mocks.register("myListener", new MyFancyListener());

If you are using the className to bind your Bean, please configure your ArtifactFactory to suit your needs.

Anyway, the above provided way is usually the easier one.

I hope this helps
