How to iterate over SpinList with javascript

I have to iterate over a SpinList. Here is my code to fetch one Object from SpinList

var serviceOrders = S(response).elements();
var order = serviceOrders.get(0);
var name = order.prop(“name”);
var address = order.prop(“address”);

This works fine. However the code below fails.

for (var order in serviceOrders) {

var name = order.prop(“name”);
var address = order.prop(“address”);


How can I iterate and print all the objects with a for loop.

@prasadps just use JSON.parse(response); and convert to a Spin object at the end of your script when you want to store the data.

I have JsonNode which I get the SpinList out of it.
I iterate over the list, do some stuff (remove some elements) and then I want to save the new SpinList as process variable.
I do the following:

   SpinJsonNode orderlines_json = (SpinJsonNode) execution.getVariable("orderlines_json");
   SpinList orderlines_list = orderlines_json.elements();

    for (Iterator<SpinJsonNode> it = orderlines_list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        SpinJsonNode orderline =;
        if (orderline.prop("orderlineType").toString().equals("book"))

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String arrayToJson = mapper.writeValueAsString(orderlines_list);
    SpinJsonNode neworderlines_json = S(arrayToJson, json());


but the process variable I get is:

What do I do wrong?
Actually, how do I convert a SpinList into SpinJsonNode?

Why do you create the SpinJsonNode?

Why not just do: execution.setVariable("new_orderlines",orderlines_list ); ? the orderlines_list variable had your “book” types removed. So you should be able to just add this back into Camunda.

Hi @StephenOTT,

I had tried that and I get
Cannot serialize object in variable 'new_orderlines': org.camunda.spin.impl.json.jackson.JacksonJsonNode

My initial process variable is
[{"orderlineId":3,"orderlineNo":"67687","orderlineApplicationType":"book","orderlineDueDate":"2018-03-04"},{"orderlineId":4,"orderlineNo":"45454","orderlineApplicationType":"magazine","orderlineDueDate":"2018-03-04"},{"orderlineId":5,"orderlineNo":"3435","orderlineApplicationType":"magazine","orderlineDueDate":"2018-03-04"}] which is of type Json in Camunda.

Can you print out the variable after it has gone through the loop? Would like to confirm its contents

After the loop, the orderlines_list is correct:

Not sure then. sorry

What I did and it worked:

When I find a JsonNode in my list that I want to remove, I simply remove it from the SpinJsonNode variable (also from the list but not necessary). Then this variable has the updated items and I set it again as execution variable (with different name, maybe it also works if it’s the same as I got it).
So the following code works:

SpinJsonNode orderlines_json = (SpinJsonNode) execution.getVariable("orderlines_json");
SpinList orderlines_list = orderlines_json.elements();

for (Iterator<SpinJsonNode> it = orderlines_list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
    SpinJsonNode orderline =;
    if (orderline.prop("orderlineType").toString().equals("book"))



Something strange happened. It’s not Camunda related, but just in case someone knows.
I had an arraylist
[{“orderNo”:“63NN6”,“orderDate”:“2018-03-01”,“orderId”:8,“orderClient”:‘LibraryA’}, {“orderNo”:“67RRT”,“orderDate”:“2018-03-01”,“orderId”:3,“orderClient”:‘LibraryB’]

I have a multi-instance Call Activity and I iterate over the arraylist as collection.

The Element variable would be for example:

and in the Cockpit it was shown as Serialization Data Format: application/json

However, I tested again my process and I noticed that the element variable is of application/xml now!!
and the data are:
That would not be a problem but for some reason some properties (e.g. OrderDate) are missing from the xml!!
Any ideas?

The only change I made in my IDE was to set the Target byte code version to 8 (before it was 1.8 but now there’s only the option of 8).

Edit: I removed the Per-module byte code version and added it again (now it says “Target byte code version - Same as language level”) and seems to be fine (the element variable is again json).


I face the same issue again.
Does anyone know how the Element variable in the modeler serializes the object? Is there a default serialization format? So, far I was getting application/json (my collection is application/json) but now I get application/xml without changing anything!
