How to judge whether the content of conditionexpression textcontent is legal

How to judge whether the content of conditionexpression textcontent is legal

Hi @coderzjh :wave:

Camunda Cloud’s workflow engine Zeebe uses the FEEL-Scala engine to evaluate the expressions.

Locally, you can use the FEEL REPL to try out expressions.

If you want to do it in code, you can also embed the FEEL-scala engine into your own application. Then you can parse and evaluate the expressions from within your own code. For example, you could use it to write tests for your expressions.

Hope it helps :smiley:

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Feels like a duplicate How to How to verify that conditionexpression is legal :face_with_monocle:

The language is Java. Is there any API or tool that can be called

The scala engine can be embedded in Java code.

OK, I’ll try