How to keep a service task alive until we get 200 from the external service?

We are using http-connector for service-task, is there a way to keep the task alive until we get 200 from the external service?

@Minisha_M, Service task will be in waiting state until the response is received when downstream service api invocation is made.

The service task won’t wait for the use cases like:

  • If the downstream api itself async

  • Request timeout for api invocation

Best practices:

  • It’s better to invoke the downstream service from either listener or delegates rather than using http-connector.

  • For long running tasks, external task workers are recommended to avoid timeouts and better scalability so that service task can wait as long as the task is executed.


public class ExternalTaskServiceWorker {

  private Gson gsonParser;

  private ExternalWorkerConfiguration externalWorkerConfiguration;

  public void handleExternalTasks() {"Initialzing the ExternalTaskServiceWorker with configuration:{}", externalWorkerConfiguration);

    ExternalTaskClient externalTaskClient = ExternalTaskClient.create()
            requestContext -> requestContext.addHeader("Authorization", externalWorkerConfiguration.getAuthorization()))

    TopicSubscription topicSubscription = externalTaskClient.subscribe(externalWorkerConfiguration.getTopicName())
        .handler((externalTask, externalTaskService) -> {

          Order order = new Order("ORD12", "Electronics", "Gift", 2000.00);

          JsonValue orderValue = ClientValues.jsonValue(gsonParser.toJson(order));

          Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<>();
          variables.put("order", orderValue);

          externalTaskService.complete(externalTask, variables);

"ExternalTask {} with businessKey {} completed!!!", externalTask.getId(),

        }).lockDuration(30000).open();"ExternalTaskServiceWorker has subscribed to the topic {} sucessfully", topicSubscription.getTopicName());

