Hello everyone. I am researching Camunda and there was a problem.
I’m trying to make a process that takes several values as input, processes some logic in bpmn + dmn and outputs the value as a result.
I mean …Who used the simulator from Camunda, then you saw that there are fields “Inputs” and “Outputs”. But the simulator doesn’t work with dmn where have a groovy scripts. But I need dmn test with groovy and I try use deploy in camunds run.
And I can make a form to input values. But I cannot make a form for the output of values.
And therefore, I cannot check my algorithm and the functionality of the form. It is my problem.
I was looking for information and perhaps there is no output forms in the camunda.
So does anyone know if it is possible to make an output form?
I am attaching my diagrams - dmn and output form.
I will be glad to have any thoughts on the topic and advice. Thank you. Have a good day!
Formula.dmn (8.0 KB)
output-form.form (299 Bytes)