How to Scale camunda Cloud as Saas

Does we need to scale camunda cloud as saas, Or it is like when we increase our workers that are connected to zeebe cloud using
const zbc = new ZBClient({
// camundaCloud: {
// clusterId: ZEEBE_CLUSTER_ID,
// clientId: ZEEBE_CLIENT_ID,
// clientSecret: ZEEBE_CLIENT_SECRET,
// clusterRegion:ZEEBE_ADDRESS
// },
// onReady: () => console.log(Connected!),
// onConnectionError: () => console.log(‘disconnect error’)
// })

then Camunda cloud increase nodes in cluster on it’s own to handle workers.

I think that with camunda cloud as Saas we do not need to manage anything, just one time we had to create a cluster and work with it, it’s nodes/brokers will automatically scaled by camunda. Correct me if i am wrong.

Just had to scale workers on my side.