How to send form data in camunda rest client generated from openApi json file

hi everyone
i have created camunda rest client with swagger code generator plugin and used openApi.json file received from camunda open api depedency:


but the generated code for create deployment is as below. it only receive one multipart input. how should i deploy bpmn with it’s forms with one service call? is it possible?
does camunda openApi json file has any problem? because in camunda rest documentation it mentions we can send multiple multipart items:

  ResponseEntity<DeploymentWithDefinitionsDto> createDeployment
	(@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.DEFAULT,description = "",schema = @Schema) @RequestParam(value = "tenant-id",required = false) String tenantId,
	@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.DEFAULT,description = "",schema = @Schema) @RequestParam(value = "deployment-source",required = false) String deploymentSource,
	@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.DEFAULT,description = "",schema = @Schema) @RequestParam(value = "deploy-changed-only",required = false) Boolean deployChangedOnly,
	@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.DEFAULT,description = "",schema = @Schema) @RequestParam(value = "enable-duplicate-filtering",required = false) Boolean enableDuplicateFiltering,
	@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.DEFAULT,description = "",schema = @Schema) @RequestParam(value = "deployment-name",required = false) String deploymentName,
	@Parameter(in = ParameterIn.DEFAULT,description = "",schema = @Schema) @RequestParam(value = "deployment-activation-time",required = false) LocalDateTime deploymentActivationTime,
	@Parameter(description = "file detail") @Valid @RequestPart("file") MultipartFile data);