How to setup form io with Java Spring Boot?

I try to integrate the formio plugin from Stephen (GitHub - StephenOTT/camunda-formio-plugin: Integration for Drag and Drop Formio Form Builder and Renderer with Camunda Tasklist App).

I want to integrate it in a Spring Boot / Java / Maven architecture. what are we supposed to do? Copy the src?

I clone locally the project. Thank Intellij, it seems happy with the Gradle file and did a lot of work. Then, I started


The server started, but when I tried to connect with demo/demo, I got this error:

"CSRFPreventionFilter: Invalid HTTP Header Token."

I tried admin/admin too (the user registered in the, same.

2/ I switched to the branch “maven-java” made by Victor Franca (according the issue #61)

Intellij reports this error

4:01 PM Gradle sync failed: Executing Gradle tasks as part of a build without a settings file is not supported. Make sure that you are executing Gradle from a directory within your Gradle project. Your project should have a 'settings.gradle(.kts)' file in the root directory. (45 s 396 ms)`

Why does Gradle want to build this project where it is supposed to be on maven?

But the point is this is not possible to start the project: Gradle still do something, because the compilation failed: It can’t find

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;

but I don’t have any issue with maven install.
Execution is

Task 'ProcessApp.main()' not found in root project 'camunda-formio-plugin'.

* Try:
Run Gradle tasks to get a list of available tasks. Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3/ Looking at this project, I assume I need to copy com.victrofranca.camundaformio folder in my project, and it should work.
The compilation is OK. I used the

  • Camunda 7.16 version,
  • Spring Boot 2.5.6
  • Spin 1.10.0
  • camunda-spin-dataformat-json-jackson1.14.0

but when I access my form, I still have this error:

Error 404 on 

So, how is this URL supposed to work? It seems the plugin capture localhost:8080/validate, and not localhost:8080/forms

Thank you,