@zero are you asking how to send messages?
I want to use messageFlow between pools in camunda, but i don’t know whether messageFlow element is implemented in process engine,I just know it seems messageFlow is just for visualizing. 发自网易邮箱大师 在2017年11月25日 23:47,Stephen 写道: StephenOTT November 25 @zero are you asking how to send messages? Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond. To unsubscribe from these emails, click here.
Message flows lines are annotations. If you want to send a actual message you need to use the send task or the message throw events
I have seen some examples of bpmn2.0 modeling . I find that message flow is used to connect user task and another one , but i am puzzled about how to send a actual message between user tasks , because i don’t know how to make a user task subscribe a actual message, can you help me or give me an example ?
I have updated the above model diagram as you can see.
Thank you in advance! @StephenOTT
The lines you see with the dashes are just annotations. They are “conments”. They do not provide a actual executable function for the bpm engine. If you want to send a message you need to use a Send Task or a Message Throw Event.
Can you explain what is your use case?