Version tag management in Call activtiy


I have tried to use the Version Tag attribute in the Camunda Modeler but I haven’t found solution for the whole process.
I have created a BPMN process and set the Version Tag value to “Summer release” for example.
I would like to use a call activity in the BPMN process and set the version to “Summer release’” as well.
We are using more environments such as dev, test, uat, prod … and the options from the version (latest, version, deployment) are not enough. The tag version might be perfect but I don’t know how can I set the tag version by the call activity.
Do you have any suggestion?

Thanks in advance: Gábor


did not test this, but from the docs looks like you will have to get the version of the release you are looking for using the API.

Could you do a task listener for when the task starts, run a script that calls the Camunda API and gets the version of the latest VersionTag: Summer Release?

Then set a variable in the process or task with the version of the process you are looking to call? And set your ‘version’ attribute to use a variable some ${versionToBeCalled}. (don’t know if it will work, but sounds right :slight_smile: )


Thank you very much the proposal.
Your suggestion is a workaround in my opinion. Our BPMN processes are designed by not developers. In the version box theoretically we can define directly our bean with the tag name as well but this solution is not so nice :(.
Could anybody share with me what was the business case of the version tagging?

Thanks in advance: Gábor

@Gabor_Sandor, if you used the Element templates, you could pre config the listener to grab the latest version number of your VersionTag.

Hi @StephenOTT , Could you please elaborate on the solution you provided .
Currently I am facing the below exception, where Camunda engine is not able to find the latest version for 1.1 versionTag and it throws exception saying multiple versionTags exist.

Error occurred in complete user task ENGINE-03045 There are ‘13’ results for a process definition with key ‘{ProcesskeyName}’, versionTag ‘1.1’ and tenant-id ‘{}’."

@S_Jagdish_Kumar do you have a tenant Id configured in the call activity? Or is it blank?

@StephenOTT For call activity we haven’t configured but it fetches from the calling process tenantId.

If you configure a tenant id does the error still occur?

Yes, it still occurs