I can query historic task instances by candidateGroups

I can query historic task instances by candidateGroups

Can it provide functions

document url: Get Tasks (Historic) (POST) | docs.camunda.org

Hi @yulinyang,

what about the query parameters taskInvolvedGroup or taskHadCandidateGroup?

Hope this helps, Ingo

Hi Ingo,

	"orQueries": [
	        "taskHadCandidateGroup": "a1"
	        "taskHadCandidateGroup": "b1"
	        "taskHadCandidateGroup": "c1"

I thinl that ‘or’ is the above format, but the printed SQL statements are connected with ‘and’.

What I just described is not clear enough. You can refer to this question.

Is there a solution?


Hi @yulinyang,

unfortunately, your query type is not supported:

The user guide says:

Aside from variable related filter criteria, this behavior differs. Whenever a non-variable-filter-criterion is used more than once inside a query, only the value which was applied last is utilized:
List<Task> tasks = taskService.createTaskQuery().or().taskCandidateGroup("sales") .taskCandidateGroup("controlling").endOr().list();

See Process Engine API | docs.camunda.org for further details.

Hope this helps, Ingo