Inaccesible Camunda Form in Tasklist

Uploading… I’m logged in Camunda like a any user and I have an assigned task with a Camunda form and I’m not able to edit the values of the Camunda form. How to fix this issue?

Hi @f_balinca,

is the task assigned to the user that is logged in? Could you try to un-assign and then claim the task?

Best regards

Hello Sebastian,

Thanks for your fast reply. So, in a camunda process a have a diagram with many user tasks and I have an assigned user task to my camunda user (which is current authenticated user) and I’m not able to edit the form of the my assigned User Task.

Hi @f_balinca,

could you share the bpmn and the task form?

Best regards

I resolve the issue. :smiley: I put a wrong Id in the assignee of the user task :smiley:

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