Incorrect datetime value REMOVAL_TIME

Hi guys…

After migrating from 7.9 to 7.11, I started having problems finishing processes due the following error:

### Error flushing statements.  Cause: org.apache.ibatis.executor.BatchExecutorException:
org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.persistence.entity.HistoricActivityInstanceEntity.updateHistoricActivityInstancesByRootProcessInstanceId (batch index #7) failed. 6 prior sub executor(s) completed successfully, but will be rolled back. 
Cause: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Data truncation: 
Incorrect datetime value: '5881630-06-06 17:57:19.537' for column 'REMOVAL_TIME_' at row 1

Notice the quite strange year of the timestamp it’s setting for removal_time_.

Any Idea of what could be happening ? :frowning:

PS.: mysql database, java 11

@fcordova how did you upgrade the camunda?

To upgrade camunda version 7.9 to 7.11,

  • Execute patch update db script 7.9.x to 7.9.y
  • Execute minor version update db script 7.10
  • Execute patch update db script 7.10.x to 7.10.y
  • Execute minor version update db script 7.11
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Do I have to execute path updates for each version before migrating between minor versions? I really expected all patches were included in minor version’s script…

But, considering REMOVAL_TIME_ fields were create on 7.9 to 7.10 script and 7.10’s only patch doesn’t mention REMOVAL_TIME, do you think it’s somehow related to the error I reported?

@fcordova patch script won’t be available in minor update script. It’s incremental approach. You have to execute patch update before the minor version update

OK, I understand…

But I still can’t see how this could be related to the error I reported.
As I said, REMOVAL_TIME_ fields were created in 7.9_to_7.10 and haven’t changed in any patch ever since.

As far as I see, the engine is somehow trying to insert an invalid timestamp, isn’t it?

@fcordova, did you provide custom implementation for HistoryRemovalTimeProvider
in the process engine config by setting this property setHistoryRemovalTimeProvider(HistoryRemovalTimeProvider removalTimeProvider) ?

From the class below function is called, so you can debug this function and caller.

public void addRemovalTimeToActivityInstancesByRootProcessInstanceId(String rootProcessInstanceId, Date removalTime) {
    Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
    parameters.put("rootProcessInstanceId", rootProcessInstanceId);
    parameters.put("removalTime", removalTime);
      .updatePreserveOrder(HistoricActivityInstanceEventEntity.class, "updateHistoricActivityInstancesByRootProcessInstanceId", parameters);

The DB Query is referenced from here for the above function,

 <update id="updateHistoricActivityInstancesByRootProcessInstanceId"
    update ${prefix}ACT_HI_ACTINST set
    REMOVAL_TIME_ = #{removalTime, jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}

    where ROOT_PROC_INST_ID_ = #{rootProcessInstanceId, jdbcType=VARCHAR}

Call Hierarchy for above function is:

Not a custom provider but I have:

  1. changed cleanup strategy with cfg.setHistoryCleanupStrategy("endTimeBased");
  2. changed HistoryTimeToLive to Integer.MAX_VALUE

Looking now, I guess this error could be caused by item 2 since maxvalue is too big… the idea here was to keep it forever, what could be achieved using 0 instead, right?

@fcordova We can configure either of the two history cleanup strategies:

Two avialable history cleanup strategies: Removal-Time-based or End-Time-based strategy. The Removal-Time-based strategy is the default strategy and recommended in most scenarios.

History and Audit Event Log |

Since your History TTL is too high value, removal time has been set to maximum years. Also it doesn’t match the ISO date format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sssZ

I believe that setting Integer.MAX_VALUE to HistoryTimeToLive is not a good practice and not a valid use case.

Configure reasonable History TTL according to docs: History and Audit Event Log |

  • If you want to retain the history forever for certain process definitions, then remove the TTL settings at engine level and History TTL field in bpmn model also keep it blank.

  • Configure History TTL at process definition level whose history only need to be removed after certain period of time.