I have modeled a parent process, which is having interrupting event subprocess with the timer which will execute based on when the timer fires. Additionally, i want to handle all the BPMN errors globally by adding event subprocess to catch the exceptions. Ss that possible that one parent process can have more than one interrupting event subprocess?
Are you experiencing any problems with 2 event sub processes in your project?
Currently i was using one interrupting event sub process. I have no idea of whether it will work if we use more than one interrupting event sub process
I believe you can declare multiple interrupting event sub-processes. However, only one can ever be executed (correctly). By definition, an interrupting event sub-process interrupts the scope it is embedded within. Thus once interrupted, the sub-process will execute and ultimately close the parent scope. If a concurrent interrupting event occurred (race conditions are perfectly feasible), then one of the interrupting event sub-processes will likely fail with an optimistic locking exception. Retry will not be available, as with the parent scope ended, there will no longer be a subscription on the event…
At least that’s how I see it playing out…