Hello All, may I want to know is possible to store process only, and one’s final version is ready than deploying in-process engine.
currently, I m using this
.addInputStream(fileName, multipartFile.getInputStream()).name(fileName).enableDuplicateFiltering(true).deploy();
if any other solution is also available then, please suggest to me.
Thanks in advance
@pinturjs, By configuring isExecutable=“false” at process level will store the bpmn but it’s not executable. i.e., you can’t start a process instance and it won’t show up in the deployed process lists. Once process is fully configured, then enable it as isExecutable=“true”.
<bpmn:process id="incompleteProcess" name="Incomplete Process" isExecutable="false" camunda:versionTag="Incomplete Process">
<bpmn:startEvent id="StartEvent_1">
Deselect (isExecutable = “false") the checkbox like below to not to listed in the deployed processes list.
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