Is it possible to for loop in API requests with camunda?

Hello everybody,
i’m new to Camunda and I want to know how to use for loop in API requests.
For example
I have 15 items of the list. I want to use them in my get requests in a loop, respectively. Is there an example for this? or is it also possible in camunda?

When I get 15 items from the first call, I want to send these items through loop in my next request.

response on first call

In the second stage, the query parameters should be as follows
the same request with the 2nd item of the list

Can we use camunda for operations like this?

Yes, you can do this. You use a multi-instance marker on a service task to accomplish this.



Hi @jwulf
Thank you for the reply :pray:
I watched your videos and I think I can do this with zeebe too.
I will work on it

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