Is it possible to provide a correlation ID to a workflow instance?

In Operate, you are manually recovering from an Incident. If you have an incident on your process, then your process has not yet completed, and you do not want to start your process over. You want to look into the steps to Resolve Incident

I understand that in 8.6 this will be available via a REST interface.

As was mentioned in your other thread, the best practice is not to fail the overall process, but to determine how the errors could occur, and then plan and model those into your process. If you were doing this whole process by hand with Postman, what would you do?

(Please note that it’s generally not a good idea to start multiple threads on the same topic, since you will break the conversation, and get conflicting information in different threads, since no one has the whole picture of what you’re describing and trying to solve)

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