Is there a Transaction Listeners per event type

Regarding the solution described here

Is there a way to listen on transactions concerned with specific events?!

For example, in case I want to execute a function after the TaskListener.EVENTNAME_CREATE transaction is committed, using the transaction listener described in the previous solution

@CamundaSelector(type = "userTask", event = TaskListener.EVENTNAME_CREATE)
private final class OnCreationListener implements TaskListener {

    public void notify(DelegateTask delegateTask) {

                 new TransactionListener() {
                     public void execute(CommandContext commandContext) {
                         // do action

is not specific for the create event, this may fire on a wrong transaction commit (a commit for another DB query rather than the create task).

I know that this is an internal API, but is there a way to specify the type of transaction commit?

Thanks in advance,