We would like to only expose local variables defined for a subProcess (defined by input parameters or multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics elementVariable) to tasks within the subProcess. We only expose local variables to our external tasks by specifying the localVariables=“true” topic in our fetchAndLock REST request (and specifying localVariables with our complete REST request). We only expose local variables to our callActivity elements by specifying <camunda:in local=“true” variables=“all” /> and <camunda:out local=“true” variables=“all” />. We would like to do this with subProcess elements too. Is there a way to only make local variables available to activities within a subProcess?
I did have hope that specifying <camunda:in local=“true” variables=“all” /> and <camunda:out local=“true” variables=“all” /> within the subProcess might work… it did not (although perhaps adding support for that might be a way to satisfy this use case?)