Thanks, @thorben!
Unfortunately I can’t find out how do I get the extension property out of an ActivityInstance
The other problem of mine is that I already have a code that decides where to put a listener based on the type of event catching; for the boundary types and for those before event gateways it is put to the parent object rather then to a catching element itself (as discussed here). So looking to all leaf activity instances, if I am guessing right, is complicating and duplicating the logic I already have. I would if it were the last problem, but another one is…
I need to resolve expressions from the extension elements. Will I be able to do this? My notify
method does that easily. Everything pushes me to just call it when I need to restart my services.
Secretly I’d wish to share some of it. This is a part of the listener plugin. We have to resolve several custom attributes, one is “uri”, and another is “recipient”:
new ServiceStartListener() {
public void notify(ActivityExecution exec) throws Exception {
_LOG.debug("Intermediate Catch Message notifying START with uri {} in activity {}...", new Object[]{uriEl, exec.getId()});
final ELContext elcontext = _expressionManager.getElContext(exec);
ValueExpression ve = _expressionManager.createValueExpression(uriEl);
final String uri = (String) ve.getValue(elcontext);
final RecipientIdentifier recipient;
String el = element.attributeNS(REXNAMESPACE, "recipient");
if (el != null && el.trim().length() > 0) {
ve = _expressionManager.createValueExpression(el);
Object recObj = ve.getValue(elcontext);
.................... etc etc
_startConsumerService(uri, messageName, exec.getId(), recipient);
_LOG.debug("Intermediate Catch Message notified START with uri {} in activity {}", new Object[]{uriEl, exec.getId()});
It seems hard for me to rip this out of a listener