JUnit 5: Configured delegate not resolvable

I have a JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 test, using the same simple BPMN model with a service task.

Both are running in the same environment.

But while the JUnit 4 test succeeds as expected, the JUnit 5 fails because of

Unknown property used in expression: ${MyServiceDelegate}. Cause: Cannot resolve identifier ‘MyServiceDelegate’

What’s wrong here with JUnit 5?

JUnit 4:

class JUnit4MyServiceTest extends AbstractProcessEngineRuleTest {

    public RuntimeService runtimeService;

    void shouldExecuteProcess() {
        final String processDefinitionKey = "MyServiceProcess"; // Id

        final ProcessInstance processInstance = runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey(processDefinitionKey);

            .hasPassed("RunTestStartEvent", "MyServiceTaskTask", "FinishTestEndEvent")

JUnit 5

@Deployment(resources = {"my-service.bpmn"})
class MyServiceTest {

    private ProcessEngine processEngine;

    void shouldExecuteProcess() {
        final String processDefinitionKey = "MyServiceProcess"; // Id

        final ProcessInstance processInstance = processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey(processDefinitionKey);

            .hasPassed("RunTestStartEvent", "MyServiceTaskTask", "FinishTestEndEvent")


Hi @ges0909,

the @ExtendWith(ProcessEngineExtension.class) is not aware of any Spring context.

You can either use

Mocks.register("MyServiceDelegate", new MyServiceDelegate());

or use the @Autowired runtimeService and skip the process engine extension.

Hope this helps, Ingo

Hi, able to resolve this?