I want to add lookup condition in DMN means check input field from some database or file that the input field is exists or not there , can we do it??
I want to add lookup condition in DMN means check input field from some database or file that the input field is exists or not there , can we do it??
Hi @Rahul_Gour,
in a DMN decision table, the input expression specifies how the value of the input entry is generated. You can use an expression in you preferred expression language or invoke a bean. So it’s possible to read from a database or file. Usually, you would do a complex or expensive calculate (e.g. read from database or file) before invoking the decision table.
Can you describe your example more detailed.
Best regards,
eg. if we have a form with some fields then one of field of this user task , want to check with database for a validation in next business rule task…so how can i validate this field from database.
Hi @Rahul_Gour,
I’m not sure if a DMN decision table is the best solution for you. If you have a user task form and want to validate the inputs then you can do this also inside the form. Please have a look at the blog post which provides a nice example.
However, if this doesn’t work for you then you can do the validation inside a service task. Currently, I don’t see the benefits of a decision table when you work with dynamic values.
Does this help you?
Best regards,
@Philipp_Ossler : yes I’m using service task now for this…removed DMN table from my modeler flow.