Maven compile | FEEL/SCALA-01008 Error while evaluating expression

Hey guys,

I’ve created a decision table. While using the Camunda simulator, everything works fine. Now I want to use these table within java. I took the example, adjusted this to my sample and compiled it (mvn compile exec:java).

After that I receive the following error message:

Caused by: org.camunda.bpm.dmn.feel.impl.FeelException: FEEL/SCALA-01008 Error while evaluating expression: failed to parse expression ‘some x in [“1”,“2”,“3”,“4”,“5”,“6”,“7”,“8”] satisfies contains(targetLocation,x)’: Expected (“,” | end-of-input):1:6, found “x in ["1",”

sample.dmn (6.4 KB)

Could someone give me a hint what is wrong here? In simulator everything works fine as expected…

Thanks in advance!

Hi @FuriouZ,

What camunda version your pom file is referring to?

Hey @hassang,

it’s the actual version:


Regards Mirko