Minimal Cockpit "history plugins" for Camunda >= 7.14.0

Hi @datakurre
After I finally got my Spring Boot App running with the help of @cjcalmeida , I created a simple example App:

I hope this is fine with you :slightly_smiling_face:.

I really like these plugins :star_struck:! One feature I use a lot in the Enterprise Cockpit is to select a completed process instance. So if you need some ideas for improvement that would be my vote :grinning:.


What is it exactly? I have never used the enterprise version yet, so that’s probably something useful I didn’t even know I have been missing.

I think all that is missing is that you list in History mode the process instances from the /history REST call with its state.

As I don’t know how the plugins exactly work - I don’t know how hard this is :wink:.

You’d still need to try to explain that one more time :sweat_smile: So, how should that be different from that ”History”-tab on the definition view? Filter to only show completed processes by default? Or a completely new ”history mode” for definitions? Now there is ”history mode” only for instances, and definitions have only a History-tab… :thinking:

Maybe it is easier if I show you. Or you apply for a trail license :laughing:.

Ok last try before I invite you to a session :slightly_smiling_face::

It is all about Process Definitions.

Here is how it looks with your Plugin:

In the diagram you see the completed - but not in the list. And there is no way to toggle between runtime and history. There is no status you can filter in the criteria field.

Ok now the ee-version (I hope Camunda don’t hates me know :grimacing: - the history functionality is definitely a selling point for the ee version ):

You can see the running and completed ones in ‘history’ mode - and only the running ones in ‘running’ mode (this can also be done via the criteria box).

Thanks! You are free to clean up your post now :slight_smile:

The plugin architecture does not provide endpoint to modify existing tabs (“Process Instances”). That’s why I added “History” tab to list processes from from /history from the first place. For now, completed process instances can be opened in “history mode” from that tab.

I’d wish to have the filter bar similar to “Process Instances” tab on the custom tabs, but currently there is no reasonable way to reuse the Camunda UI component, and my custom alternative is still WIP.

Alternatively, a completely custom “history mode” for process definitions (similar to process instances) with custom “Process Instances” -tab would be possible, but makes sense only after I have that filter bar to also apply on that…

Ah I didn’t saw this tab - that is all I missed :grimacing:!

Cool! Thanks again for these cool plugins :+1:.

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@datakurre great work on your plugin! We are using it too. The only thing we are wondering about - it seems to somehow filter the available historic process instances to the current day or a specific timeframe. At least we see much less grey tokens than there should be - same for the history tab. Is that configurable?

As a side info: It is not related to our history cleanup settings in Camunda as via the REST API I can see all past historic data.

Unfortunately, there are hard coded limits, because I have not been able to continue and complete interactive “filter box” to configure the queries. (And reusing the filter from Camunda UI is not practically possible. Earlier in this thread is a screenshot of what I was working on.)

On definition view only data from the current process definition version is fetched. Grey tokens (and “Statistics”) come from 1000 latest activities for the viewed version. Similarly “History”-tab list only 1000 running on latest completed instances.

It is totally ok to fork the project, customize those hard coded values and build a version of your own.

I have not abandoned the “filter box”. It just was way more work than I expected. (It took time to find a base open source components with suitable abstraction, and the current plugin required some refactoring to make filter apply for both grey tokens and tabbed listings.

no worries and thanks for your great work again!

Hi @datakurre, I’m running a spring boot project. When you say copy all file into the specified directory, which files do you mean exactly? I’m thrilled to find this. Can’t wait to get it working. Thanks!

config.js and the files it references.

Usually you customize config.js per project and define there which plugins are included and where should browser find them. You may use browser network inspector to check that Cockpit really loads your version of config.js and also the plug-in JavaScript files get loaded.

Hi @datakurre
Great work, thanks!!!

I would like to ask you about the sequence flow? Does it embedded in your plugin repo now? I didn’t see it.


Yes, it is not enabled by default. There is an icon button in the diagrams to enable it. For individual process diagrams this plugin add two buttons: sequence flow and history view.

Also disclaimer: There are corner cases with gateways where sequence flow does not render properly.

Hi @datakurre I’m facing the problem of timezone. In “process instance”, it shows correctly my timezone (GMT+7), but in history tab, it shows GMT+0 timezone. I ran camunda in docker (so in DB, it’s GMT+0)

Could you take a look?

Indeed. Currently it shows DB values as they are. TZ awareness is something to be implemented in the future.

@khong07 Please, try out the latest version. History tab times should now match with the process instance timezone.


it worked, thank you

has anyone tries to use it on top of 7.15.0 within java maven project (not docker)? I’ve tried to add it into META-INF/resources/webjars/camunda/app/cockpit/scripts - no effect

for those who read so far:
could be done with GitHub - bogdartysh/spring-boot-datakurre-plugins-webjar: Minimal "history plugins" for Camunda Cockpit as a webjar library based on GitHub - pme123/spring-boot-datakurre-plugins: Asko Soukka's cool Cockpit plugins bundled with a spring boot App.

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