Monthly Shoutouts - August 2023

Welcome to the monthly shoutouts post! :tada:

Every month, we highlight some community members who have been doing cool things in the community. Some of these were submitted via our contributions form – don’t be shy, let us know what you’re working on!

:video_camera: @jcbereb has been producing excellent Camunda 8 tutorial videos en Español! If you are a Spanish speaker, definitely check out the videos here. Thank you Juan Carlos! :tada:

:snake: Python Camunda SDK for Camunda 8, started at the Community Summit Hackathon and is now complete with documentation and a quick start guide! Shout out to community member Mihails Delmans for his first open-source project! :clap:

:cloud: @Praveen_Kumar_Reddy developed the Google Cloud Storage connector, which has been added to our Awesome Camunda 8 Connectors List!

:popcorn: Camunda Chapter: Berlin led by @minautics has organized a CamundaCon public viewing in a Berlin cinema! If you can’t make it to New York but are near Berlin, don’t miss out on this opportunity! Sign up here.

You may have noticed a link in the sidebar to our Leaderboard! This is a just-for-fun way to see who has participated most in the forum over the last month/quarter/year/all-time.

This month, I’d love to shout out our top 4 on the leaderboard for August, because second to fourth place were all so close in points I had to share all of them!

  1. :1st_place_medal: @WilliamR.Alves, helping answer questions in Camunda 7 Topics and Camunda 8 Topics with a friendly smile!

  2. :2nd_place_medal: @Praveen_Kumar_Reddy, asking and answering lots of Camunda 8 Topics!

  3. :3rd_place_medal: @GotnOGuts, helping with both Camunda 7 Topics and Camunda 8 Topics!

  4. :four: @hassang, who you have seen answering questions in Camunda 7 Topics!

And a quick shout out to the rest of the top 10 as well :slight_smile: Thank you @camundabpmlearner, @FC_Catalonia, @Adagatiya, @Rajyasri, @aravindhrs, and @User9!

Please join me in congratulating them and thanking them for their efforts! :clap::clap::clap:

Do you have a cool project or contribution you’d like us to highlight? Do you know about someone else in the community who has been doing something awesome? Leave a comment below, or fill out our contributions form to let us know!


\o/ :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

Let’s move forward, strengthening our community of Camunda warriors more and more, and let’s dominate the planet hahahaha! :sweat_smile:

It is always a great pleasure to be able to share knowledge and learn with all these amazing people who participate in the community.

And congratulations to all our colleagues who are always active helping and answering questions whenever possible! No doubt the recognition is more than deserved! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Kind regards.
William Robert Alves