Good Day
I was hoping someone could provide me some answers as to why the process I created (That has Conditional start in a subprocess) creates 1 token when injecting variables using cockpit, and 2 when starting the exact same process using postman.
Using Postman
Using Cockpit to add variables
Why is it doing this, and what can I do to fix it?
Hi @PhillanaLeRoux,
how do you start the process instance in both cases? Do you pass variables in one of the cases?
Do you do the same things using the Rest API and Cockpit?
Best regards,
Hi Philipp
In the first Scenario, I start the process with Postman, and I send variables via the postman collection. In the second scenario I start the process with the task-list and added the same variables. I pass the same variables in both cases. The behavior is different from the start, which leads me to think that it must be the different starting processes. Yes I do the same things using the Rest API and Cockpit?
*Even if I start the process one layer higher, I still get the same result.
Do you start the process instance with the same variables in both cases? Or, do you set the variables afterward?
Please provide your BPMN process. I’ll try to reproduce the behavior.
HI Philipp
See test BPMN attached. Review Process.bpmn (13.5 KB)
I start the process with the same variables in both cases, one with Postman (See Link:
and with Cockpit (see below)
This yields the 2 scenarios I posted at the top.
Thank you for your help
Ok, I can reproduce the behavior. The difference in Cockpit is that it uses a different API:
Somehow, it behaves different from a normal process instantiation.