We are evaluating Camunda and have a basic question.
Is it possible to use multi factor authentication (first password then sms auth code) on login page?
Any help needed. Thank you.
We are evaluating Camunda and have a basic question.
Is it possible to use multi factor authentication (first password then sms auth code) on login page?
Any help needed. Thank you.
Hi @kerberos,
that is not a feature that comes out of the box, but it is actually not that hard to integrate Camunda with any custom authentication framework. All you need to do is to put your custom MFA login page and mechanism in front of Camunda and then forward the authenticated user to Camunda.
Here’s a basic example of how this can be achieved using Spring Security
code/snippets/springboot-security-sso at master · camunda-consulting/code · GitHub
… and here is one using Kerberos with JBoss:
Best, Ben
Thank you so much for your detailed answer. I’ll be checking the sample code you provided.