Multi-instance parallel subprocess

I have a process, that accepts 3 variables named input, output, and profile. This process is created/used by other team, and I cannot modify it, in terms of adding/correcting input variables.

Now I want to run this process as a subprocess multiple times in parallel. Something like this:


The ‘Prepare’ block is preparing a ‘subprocesses’ variable containing JSON:

        {"input":"input1", "output": "output1", "profile": "profile1"},
        {"input":"input2", "output": "output2", "profile": "profile2"},
        {"input":"input3", "output": "output3", "profile": "profile3"}

I want to pass each set of variables to a respective subprocess. The issue is that Multi-instance thing can operate only with a single variable. E.g.

  • Collection - ${JSON(execution.getVariable(“subprocesses”)).elements()}
  • Element Variable - item

How can I dive into ‘item’ structure, and pass its internal input/output/profile variables into the subprocess?

I tried to access ‘item’ variable on Input/Output tab like this “${execution.getVariable(“item”)}”, but no luck - this variable is not accessible on execution level.

I’m no expert at all, but i got it working like this:

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Thank you! That worked!