Multiple business key possible?

Can we have multiple business key against single process in camunda?

My scenario is -
I want to identify/search process either by one of the unique filed.

Ex. I have process for bank account creation. At present I have id as business key. but apart from id, we also have other unique keys with respect to account. Can I use these other keys also to identify process.

My first thinking to append unique keys using ‘’ and assign this as business key, but while searching, I’ll have to know other parameters also in combination of '

Thanks in advance.

Hi @pramod_Rajane,

there is only a single business key per process instance.

You can combine two values in this key, as the database provides 255 characters for it.

Or you can use a process variable to store the second value.

But I’ve heard from operators that are unable to cope with long business key. I vote for shorter, as they are easier to read for a human being.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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Thanks @Ingo_Richtsmeier :grinning: