No process instance appearing with REST, key trouble

Good morning. I’m having trouble with creating process instance via REST. I’m using what is explained here as my base workflow:

Therefore I’m using the submit-form endpoint to instantiate my process. I provide the key of the process definition, but I noticed that the latter was a default one, named Process_1. If I replace it with another process’ key, it works : I have an instance created and I am able to obtain the next task to do.
Otherwise, I have a 200 response but no instance appears in Cockpit and I have an empty response for the next task.

I followed the deployment guide for my process, but I think the problem comes from the process def key. How to change that ? Cheers

decision_test.bpmn (2.8 KB)

If i’m understanding you correctly - you’re able to start the process with out any problems but when you try to get a task from that process using the REST API it doesn’t return anything. If so then this is expected behavior. The Task service only refers to user tasks and no other task types.

When the process you uploaded starts it will run and immediately finish because there is no wait state.

You can have a look for the finished process using the Histroy REST API

You were right. I need a user task to pause. My next step is to get back my DMN table result in it. Thanks !