One click sign in link to tasklist

I have assign a user to a task and send a link to the user through email. But user want to enter his credentials to login. So do we have such provision that user can click on link and directly he should be logged in to tasklist?

Can some help me in this


Hello @mahavir ,

in order to be provisioned, there are 2 ways that come to my mind:

  1. The user already has a valid session in his browser
  2. The camunda platform uses some sort of SSO provider that can detect the users token

If you plan to use way 1, you could extend the session duration to make it easier for a user to access the tasklist.

Hope this helps


Thanks for reply
You are saying this for the user once he is logged in.
I am talking about new user can we give him a link which contains the username and password of that user so he can directly log in if he clicks on that link

Hello @mahavir ,

unfortunately, I do not know whether a feature like this is already implemented in the platform. Maybe @Ingo_Richtsmeier can provide some help here.

A possible workaround would be the implementation of a servlet that can use the parameters provided by a link in the mail to set the session to the correct user and then redirect him to the tasklist.


Hey @mahavir,

maybe this thread about SSO is of interest to you:

It describes a scenario similar to yours.
SSO itself might not be necessary for you, but it also describes how to modify the REST API and Webapps so you can use your own mechanism to log in users.


We will not be storing user permanently. So we are not implementing SSO.
Do we have any other option other than this.

Hi @mahavir,

technically the user didn’t has to have any provision to complete a task. You can provide your own frontend to show and complete the task independently from the stored users in the database.

In the Camunda Tasklist you have to bypass the AuthenticationFilter: camunda-bpm-platform/web.xml at master · camunda/camunda-bpm-platform · GitHub

I think this is mentioned in the post from @tmetzke

Hope this helps, Ingo

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