One of the attributes 'class', 'delegateExpression', 'type', or 'expression' is mandatory on serviceTask

Hi Philipp,

I read that Plugins should be registered before the process engine is built. Can you please refer any docuementation or example of Spring boot application to achieve the same.
As in spring boot I am using application.yaml to configure the process engine. I know its a naive question but it is something I am not nimble with.

Found some code snippet as below on forum website.

SpringProcessEngineConfiguration conf = new SpringProcessEngineConfiguration(); List<ProcessEnginePlugin> processEnginePlugins = new ArrayList<>(); processEnginePlugins.add(CamundaReactor.plugin()); conf.setProcessEnginePlugins(processEnginePlugins);

List<ProcessEnginePlugin> config = ((ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl)processEngine.getProcessEngineConfiguration()).getProcessEnginePlugins(); config.add(new FileTypeFieldPlugin()); ((ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl)processEngine.getProcessEngineConfiguration()).setProcessEnginePlugins(config);