Optimal flow for the approval process


We want to include a form consisting of an external source (our own system) in a process within Camunda. What should be the ideal process for sending data as input via webhook, starting the process, passing it through certain approval stages and finalizing it?
We thought of using UserTask to assign it to an approver and wait for its approval, but when we handle the task with “.JobType(“io.camunda.zeebe:userTask”)”, we cannot put this task on hold, we need to mark it as complete or fail, otherwise the task always falls back to the handle. . The same situation exists in ServiceTask. The ideal thing here would be to assign this process only to the people who will approve it with ServiceTask, complete this task with “jobClient.NewCompleteJobCommand(activatedJob).Send()” and then add a ReceiveTask to the process and when the approver approves from our own screens, call an endpoint and advance the process to the next stages after ReceiveTask? If this is the case, I couldn’t see in the documentation how to create the endpoint we will call.
As information; We will not use Camunda’s form structure in this flow, data entry and confirmation screens will be our own internal screens.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @yilmaz ,

instead of using the job worker implementation for the user tasks, you can also simply use the REST API: Overview | Camunda 8 Docs

Let me know if that helps.


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