So I have 2 forms (form1 and form2). They have the same fields with the same names, keys… but form2 has two more fields.
In task 1, I fill form1. This task also has two output parameters which are the two more fields form2 has.
In task 2, I open form2. There, form2 should have the common fields filled in with what I put in task 1, but no.
It works whitout the two output parameters (the fields are filled).
What am I doing wrong ?
Thank you for your help
Hi @fran_no ,
process variables’ names are case sensitive so make sure that the same exact case is used in both form field defined and the corresponding output parameter.
Form Field (ID): Level
Output Parameter: Level
Thank you for your answer.
My variables have the same exact names with the same case.
The problem is that, when I put the output parameters, form2 isn’t filled with what I filled in form1, but when I remove the two output parameters, form2 is filled with what I filled in form1.
Hi @fran_no,
Can you please share your model…
I didin’t mention it, but I use Camunda Cloud.
All the words are in french.
The output parameters and form1 are on task 1 (remplirFormulaireTache).
Form2 is on task 2 (lireIncident1Tache)
Since I am a new user I can’t put my two forms on this post.
My diagramm
Test.bpmn (11.6 KB)
Thank you for your help
Here are my two forms
Ticket utilisateur.json (385 Bytes)
Ticket.json (668 Bytes)
So, instead of definning my variables as output parameters in task 1, I defined them as input parameters in task 2 and it works.
Thank you very much for trying to help me
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